Learn electronics online. Electronic equipment is used increasingly in horticulture, from automated greenhouse operations to electronic systems in vehicles and other mechanised equipment.

Course Code: BSC113
Fee Code: S2
Duration (approx) Duration (approx) 100 hours
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Learn to understand the basics of electronics.

Electronics is a study of how electricity is used. This covers so many different applications from running computers and cars to household appliances and robots. It also underpins the operation of many types of machinery used in horticultural practices. Lawn mowers to tractors and computer controlled irrigation to refrigeration of produce: equipment used by horticulturists uses electricity.

Your study in this course will provide a foundation which will enable you to better observe and understand the workings of all things that electricity powers in the world around you. This course helps you make better decisions about the electric devices you use, how to maintain and repair them, and more beyond that.

It is a fantastic foundation for further learning, formally or through experience.

Lesson Structure

There are 9 lessons in this course:

  1. Nature and Scope of Electronics: Linear, Analogue and Digital
    • Linear Electronics
    • Non-Linear Electronics
    • AC & DC Current
    • Electrostatics
    • Conductors And Insulators
    • Electroscopes
    • Coulomb’s Law
    • The Electric Field
    • Current
    • Safety Warning
  2. Measuring Electricity
    • What is Voltage?
    • What is Resistance?
    • Ohm's Law
    • Relationship Between Electricity & Power
    • Generating & Storing Electricity
    • Turbines & Generators
    • Fusion Power
    • Solar Cells
    • Batteries
  3. Passive Components
    • Resistors
    • Capacitors
    • Inductors
    • Magnets
    • Magnetic Forces
    • Ferromagnetism
    • Creating Magnets
    • Curie Temperature
    • Earth’s Magnetic Field
    • Geomagnetic Reversal
    • Electromagnetism
    • Electromagnetism & Solenoids
    • Electric Motors
    • Magnetic Force
    • Right-Hand Rule
    • Inductors
    • Lenz’s Law
  4. Circuits
    • Conductors
    • Insulators or Non-Conductors
    • Fuses
    • Circuit Breakers
    • Relays
    • Circuits – Series & Parallel
    • Reading Schematic Diagrams
  5. Other Components
    • Printed Circuit Boards (PCB)
    • Bread Board
    • Switches – SPST, SPDT, DPST, DPDT
    • Integrated Circuits - IC, Chip, Microchip
    • Relays
    • NO & NC
    • Diode
    • Transformers
    • Step Down Transformers
    • Step Up Transformers
  6. Input & Output Devices
    • Input Devices
    • Output Devices
    • Interactions With Input & Output Devices
    • Sensors
    • How Some Input Devices Work
    • How Some Output Devices Work
    • Signals Processing
  7. Digital Electronics
    • Digital VS Analog Electronics
    • Binary
    • Mechanical Analog Computers & Noise
    • Digital/Analog Audio
    • Digital/Analog Images
    • Analog Radio/TV & Digital Transmission Of Signals
    • Boolean Algebra
    • Basic Rules of Boolean Algebra
    • Logic
    • Synchronous VS Asynchronous Systems
    • Algorithms
  8. Applications - Working With Electronics
    • Soldering
    • Wire Strippers/Crimping Tools
    • Multimeters – Use, Connections & Measurements
    • Electrical Tape
    • Terminals
    • Punch Down Tool
    • Cable Ties
    • Printed Circuit Boards & Etching
  9. Problem-Based Learning Project - Electronics: Applications In Repair
    • Project Aim - Research Appliance Circuit Diagrams & Use A Bread Board To Model A Key Component


  • Explain the nature and scope of electricity, electric currents and applications for electric power.
  • Explain how electricity is measured.
  • Identify and explain the function of important electrical components including resistors, capacitors and inductors.
  • Interpret circuit diagrams.
  • Identify and explain the function of other components commonly found in electronic devices, including switches, diodes, semi conductors, integrated circuits and semi conductors.
  • Explain how electric devices engage with a user, both through input and output components.
  • Explain digital electronics and how it differs to analogue electronics.
  • Explain the operation, maintenance and repair of a range of electronic devices.
  • Analyse the electronic components of a chosen device, determine how it’s electronic circuits function, then suggest any maintenance, repairs or other work that may be carried out with that device to sustain or improve it’s use.

Why Study This Course?

Faults in electronics can occur in any device that uses electricity. They are often unpredictable and can lead to costly downtime. Much of the equipment used in horticulture uses electronics from electrical systems in vehicles, to the electronics controlling pumps and irrigation, lighting, refrigeration and lots of other types of machinery. Having an understanding of electronics can arm you with the knowledge necessary to;

  • Troubleshoot common problems and discover why equipment is experiencing issues
  • Help with installation of new equipment such as smart sensors to control things like lights and irrigation
  • Learn about electronic principles to enhance your understanding for your own projects
  • A great start point for further study


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Course Contributors

The following academics were involved in the development and/or updating of this course.

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