Terms and Conditions of Enrolment

Welcome to the Australian Horticultural Correspondence School (ACS) website ("the Site"), which is owned and operated by ACS Distance Education Australia.

These terms and conditions are important. Please read them carefully. Terms and conditions are subject to change. Since you are bound by these Terms of Use, you should periodically refer to this web document to monitor changes.

Upon enrolling in a course with ACS, you ("the Student") are entering a legal agreement under common law, in which you agree to abide by the conditions of enrolment (including meeting stated payments), in exchange for the service offered by ACS during the course enrolment. The terms and conditions are subject to the jurisdiction to the laws of Australia.
These Terms and Conditions form the agreement between ACS and the Student.  It is the Student’s responsibility to fully read, understand and agree to all Enrolment Terms & Conditions,  Statement and Fees & Charges upon enrolment.  By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Statement on the enrolment form, the Student confirms they possess a full understanding of all Terms & Conditions, and willingly accepts all such terms.

Course Duration
The following allowable time frames are for the course duration, from the date payment is processed. You have the following time periods to complete the courses: 

  • 100 hour module- 1 year
  • Specialist Award- 2 years
  • Certificates- 3 years
  • Advanced Certificates- 3 years
  • Learning Bundles- 10+ modules- 5 years

Cancellation Policy
Students wishing to cancel their enrolment must submit notification of withdrawal in writing within 14 days of the confirmation of enrolment. In order to apply for a cancellation, the Student must complete the course change form available on the ACS website, or email [email protected] . 

It is recommended students contact ACS within 24 hours of submitting a cancellation request to confirm receipt. ACS accepts no responsibility for and will not be liable for non-receipt of messages or transmissions. 

Refund Policy
Your completed enrolment form acts as confirmation of acceptance, and commitment to, paying all fees as stated on the enrolment form.

Enrolments submitted electronically require a confirmation that the student has read and agreed to these Terms and Conditions, the Privacy Policy, and the Fees & Charges documentation online in order to submit and process the enrolment form. This action provides confirmation in lieu of a signature. In checking the appropriate box, the Student fully accepts ACS 's Terms and Conditions. 

Students are considered to have commenced their course from the date that course login details have been issued by ACS.
Refunds may be granted in the event an application is submitted within 14 days of confirmation of enrolment. The refunded cost will be less minimum AUD$100 Administration Fee per 100-hour module, plus postage & handling costs. If course notes have already been sent to the student, they must be returned before the refund can be processed. Failure to return course materials in a timely manner will result in the cancellation of all refund processes.

In the event an assignment has already been submitted and returned, a refund will not be issued.

If you would like to request a refund, please complete the change of enrolment form available on the ACS website. Refunds will be issued via the original method of payment. 



  • You have a 48 hour period prior to commencement of studies, in which you may apply in writing for a full refund without showing cause. This does not apply if your browsing pattern indicates you’ve begun the course.
  • If granted, it is liable to a $75 administration fee, debited from the total amount of the fees paid
  • Any refund request made after the 48 hour time frame, must justify the reasoning for said request. This reasoning will be considered by ACS, only in exceptional circumstances. Any refund request is fully at the discretion of ACS.
  • If your request is denied, no compensation will be issued, and no administration fee will be charged.
  • If the primary purpose of the course is to meet specific industry recognition, insurance, legislative or regulatory requirements in your region, it is the responsibility of each student, or organisation, to conduct their own due diligence before enrolment.

Deferments and Extensions
Deferments and/or extensions may be granted at the discretion of ACS. Application for a deferment or extension must be submitted via the course change form on the ACS website or email [email protected]. ACS reserves the right to refuse a deferment or extension request in the event that:

  • Valid reason, with appropriate documentation, is not submitted
  • The Student has requested multiple deferments and/or extensions
  • The Student is not in good financial standing with ACS.

If ACS approves a deferment or extension, recommencement fees may apply.

Course Transfer
For a period of 30 days following receipt of the material, the Student may apply for special consideration to transfer from one course to another. Applications must be made in writing via the course change form available on the ACS website or email [email protected]. A transfer fee of $100 per module will apply. ACS will apply credit for monies paid for the original enrolment against the new module. No refund will be issued for any difference in the course price. In the event ACS grants a transfer request, confirmation in writing will be given. Course materials must be returned to the school within 10 working days for the transfer to be valid. Failure to return materials in a timely manner will cancel the transfer process.

In the event an assignment has been submitted and returned a module transfer will not be granted.

Transfer to Another Party
In the event the Student wishes to transfer their enrolment to a third party, an application must be submitted in writing via the change of enrolment form available on the ACS website or email [email protected] within 2 months of enrolment. An administration Fee of $100 (plus postage and handling costs) will apply. ACS will apply the credit for monies paid for the original enrolment against the new course, but no refund will be issued for any difference in course price. 

In the event an assignment has already been submitted and returned, a student transfer will not be granted. 

Age Restriction
Courses are generally intended for people over the age of 18; however in some circumstances enrolments from younger people may be considered. In such cases, you should contact us before enrolling. 


Your Privacy
ACS is committed to protecting your privacy. We use the information we collect about you to maximize the services that we provide to you. We will get your permission before retaining any personal information about you.

ACS newsletters are used to communicate important developments to ACS students. It is recommended students remain subscribed to the student newsletter. 

In order to best protect the rights of our students and their personal data against cyber-attack, hacking and unlawful accessing of sensitive and confidential student records, IT IS HEREBY AGREED that all such records shall be confidentially destroyed within a period of one month to twelve months of cessation of student enrolment and to remove any doubt, ACS is irrevocably authorised to do so within such time frame. 

To comply with Australian and European law, we will maintain student records for the period of course enrolment.  
If you would like ACS Distance Education to delete your information at any time (whether you are a customer or a prospective customer), please contact our privacy officer and we will process this ( [email protected] ).  

ACS maintains strict online security measures. This is to ensure that our business is managed in accordance with worldwide legal developments and to protect against cyber-attack, hacking, and unlawful access of confidential records.

Every attempt is made to ensure all information provided by ACS is accurate, and that the Student has attained all competencies taught within a course, at the time of assessment. 

Graduated students are responsible for their use and maintenance of acquired competencies. ACS takes no responsibility for, and will not be liable, for any action or claim in connection with, or arising from any such information, instruction or advice, given by any student or ex-student. ACS takes no responsibility for and will not be liable for the Student's or ex-Student's interpretation and/or misuse of materials.

All information, text, material, graphics, software and advertisements on the Site ("Content") are protected by Australian and international copyright and trademark laws.

No courses, course materials and study notes are to be republished, sold, loaned or copied, or used in any way outside the pursuit of studying the course by the enrolled Student without explicit permission granted in writing by the Principal of ACS.


If the primary purpose of the course is to meet specific industry recognition, insurance, legislative or regulatory requirements in your region, it is the responsibility of each student, or organisation, to conduct their own due diligence before enrolment.

Access and Use of the ACS Website 
Use of, and access to the ACS website is conditional upon acceptance of and compliance with the following Terms of Use and the terms, conditions, notices and disclaimers contained in this document and elsewhere on the Site.

Your use of, and/or access to, the Site constitutes your agreement to the following:
As a condition of use of this website, you agree to not use the Site or its content and materials for any unlawful purpose, or in any ways prohibited by these Terms and Conditions. ACS gives no endorsement, accepts no responsibility for, and will not be liable for, any third party links.

If you become aware of misuse of the Site by any person, please contact ACS with your concerns.

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Take advantage of our personalised, expert course counselling service to ensure you're making the best course choices for your situation.

I agree for ACS Distance Education to contact me and store my information until I revoke my approval. For more info, view our privacy policy.