Why green spaces matter.  Study the benefits and impacts.


Everyone likes green spaces! Some are lucky enough to work in them. Not only gardeners work in green spaces – in fact the diversity of opportunities might be surprising.

  • Consider greening i.e. creating, maintaining, managing green spaces.
  • Consider sports grounds maintenance i.e. a daily routine is inextricably connected to green landscapes.
  • Consider conservation and environmental workers - all work within green spaces.


The Nature of Green Spaces 

When we talk of green spaces and urban greening, think:

  • A public garden
  • A park
  • A communal garden
  • Hospital grounds
  • A nature strip
  • A reserve
  • Natural bushland
  • Pots and plants on a balcony
  • A green wall
  • A roof garden

You see, a green space can be any space where plants are growing, no matter how large or small.  What they all have in common is plants.   



The true value of green spaces is interconnected and multifaceted.

Green spaces have multiple benefits:

  • Environmental 
  • Social
  • Economic


Environmental Benefits & Resilience


Air Quality Improvement

Plants filter (absorb) harmful pollutants and reduce carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. Reduce people’s symptoms of pre-existing health problems such as asthma and allergies. 


Climate Regulation

Plants cool the air through shade and evapotranspiration, reducing the need for air conditioning, and combating climate change. A chief cause of heat islands is built surfaces like roads, pavements, walls, and roofs.


Biodiversity of Wildlife

Green spaces act as habitats for local wildlife and provide corridors for species movement.


Water Management

Plants and trees in urban areas absorb rainwater, reducing runoff and decreasing the risk of flooding and soil erosion.


Disaster resilience

Green infrastructure, such as wetlands, trees, and vegetated roofs, can act as a natural buffer against disasters like floods and storms. They absorb excess water, reduce wind speeds, and provide cooling during heat waves.


Carbon Sequestration

Trees and plants sequester carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, helping mitigate climate change by acting as natural carbon sinks.

Other environmental benefits include reduce noise pollution. Plants can be used to reduce erosion – bare soil erodes and releases carbon to the atmosphere. 


Social Benefits


Mental Health and Well-being

Access to nature has been shown to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. Green spaces promote relaxation and provide spaces for social interaction. It has been argued that humans have an innate tendency to want to connect with nature. Humankind evolved by understanding and working with the natural environment. Green spaces can help to reduce fatigue, elevate mood, and enhance concentration.


Physical Health

Parks and green areas encourage physical activity, such as walking, jogging, and cycling to better overall health and fitness. Many of the physiological indicators of arousal associated with stress such as elevated blood pressure, blood toxins, and heart rate, have been measured and found to reduce when people are in green spaces. 


Economic Benefits


Property Value Increase

Urban greening an attractive investment for both private owners and city planners. Well-designed parks and gardens contribute to a place’s identity.


Tourism and Recreation

Well-maintained parks and green areas can attract tourists – this directly benefits local businesses and create jobs. In many cultures, public parks, gardens, and forests are central to local traditions, rituals, and gatherings.


Energy Savings (Insulation)

Urban trees and greenery can lower energy costs by providing shade and reducing the need for air conditioning, thus lowering utility bills for homes and businesses. Plants can insulate houses against extreme temperatures making them warmer in winter and cooler in summer.




Watch and learn: Biophilic Landscaping ... 




Who works in urban greening?

  • Climatologists – amongst other things, climate scientists may research factors that influence climate change. They might also advise government and local authorities about ways to mitigate these factors e.g., providing more green spaces.
  • Environmental scientists – people who work in environments roles are concerned with the conservation and reclamation of a range of green spaces.    
  • Construction workers – carpenters, stone masons, and landscapers may be called upon to build green spaces in private or public gardens. 
  • Structural engineers – may be consulted for their expertise in assessing new builds for supporting green spaces like green walls and roofs, or for retrofitting existing buildings.  
  • Garden designers – landscapers and garden designers are increasingly looking at ways of improving gardens and greening up other spaces around buildings. The niche area of biophilic design is concerned with the association between green spaces and health. 
  • Health professionals – there is growing awareness of the psychological benefits of green space amongst health professionals. GPs have often recommended exercise to patients, but now they might recommend exercise in a green space. Psychologists, counsellors and other mental health workers are aware of the growing body of evidence that correlates green spaces and psychological health.
  • Alternative therapies – horticulture therapy is an emerging field that addresses ways that gardens and plants can be used to improve people’s physical and mental health. Ecotherapy is another area that is gaining traction that makes use of green spaces in therapy, including natural bushland and wilderness areas.        

What Can You Do?

You might want to do more…
When you realise just how many professions are involved with green space, you realise that there may be one that suits your own aspirations.

The absolute best place to start is through formal learning.  There are many online courses available to reskill and upskill in this area.



A Cautionary Note

Whilst green spaces are mostly good for most people, they are not ideal for some such as: 

  • People with pollen allergies. 
  • People who may have allergic reactions to things like animal hairs and dust mites. 
  • People who are afraid of outdoor spaces e.g., those with agoraphobia, some people who experience panic attacks.


Find Out More

Explore how you can work with green spaces. Contact us today! We have a range of study options to suit the needs of different people.

Don’t have much time? Take a short course!  Or need to develop deeper skills and knowledge. Then a certificate in urban greening might be for you!

Or perhaps you're not quite ready to commit to study...?   Consider an eBook written by award winning horticulturist John Mason. 

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